Film Photography

FAFPFP140 Introduction to Film Photography

3 semester credits. This course involves theoretical and practical aspects related to film photography. In addition to lectures, coursework will take place both outdoors in the city of Florence and in the darkroom. Students will learn how to use the camera correctly, how to expose film, and the basic principles of black and white photography and composition. In addition, students will be given a broad overview of the history of photography. Students will work on two projects and a final portfolio. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI.

FAFPFP360 Advanced Film Photography

3 semester credits. This course is both a technical and a creative course intended for intermediate / advanced film photography students. Using medium format and large format cameras, students will choose a format size to complete a singular photography project. Students will learn advanced and unique black and white processing/printing by studying development time matrixes, studio lighting, and large format printing. Visual assignments and readings will be used to accompany the specific learning techniques. This class includes experiential learning with CEMI. Prerequisites: At least one film photography course and an understanding of film processing/printing, camera reciprocity, and darkroom chemistry.