School and Course Overview

General Overview
All courses are taught in English, with the exception of Italian language courses.
The academic catalog is organized according to AUF 's academic divisions and further subdivided in to specific schools and departments.
Each course has a unique course code that reflects the school, department, course, and level.
Initials in parenthesis next to titles of schools and departments refer to the course codes.

APICIUS International School of Hospitality
School of Food and Wine Studies (FW)
School of Hospitality (HP)
School of Sports and Health Sciences (SH)

DIVA School of Digital Imaging and Visual Arts (DI)

FAST School of Fashion and Accessory Studies and Technology (FT)

IDEAS School of Interior Design, Environmental Architecture and Sustainability (ID)

ISB International School of Business (BU)

J School of Journalism, Communication and Publishing (CP)

SAS School of Arts and Sciences
School of Fine Arts (FA)
School of Global Studies (GS)
School of Horticulture (HC)
School of Liberal Arts (LA)
School of Life Studies and Human Sciences (LS)
School of Professional Studies (PS)
School of Sciences and Mathematics (SM)

sQuola Center for Cultural and Italian Studies (IS)

School of Graduate Studies

Graduate course codes reflect their relative departments and disciplines.

Course Descriptions

Course Code - Official code
Course Title - Official course title
Credits and Course Hours - Details number of semester credits earned for the successful completion of the course and a detailed breakdown of how class time is utilized.
Course Description - Official course description.
Prerequisites - Some courses may have a prerequisite such as completion of an introductory or complementary course. Other prerequisites may emphasize a strong background or interest in a particular subject.

Please note:
The same course may appear in more than one department or school.  Course codes will vary depending on the cross-listed department.
Online course schedules also include information regarding course sections, day/time of the week, and course notes, which generally detail the type of specialized equipment necessary to successfully complete the course, specialized hours in addition to lecture hours if applicable, etc.

Course Numbering System
All of the undergraduate courses are numbered in the following manner:
100 - 299 Lower division courses
300 - 399 Upper division course
400 - 499 Introductory courses to graduate studies
500 - 599 Introductory graduate courses
600 - 699 Advanced graduate studies

Course Numbering Example:
LA AH RA 300 - Renaissance Art in Florence

The first pair of alpha characters designates the division/school within AUF:
LA for School of Liberal Arts

The second pair of alpha characters designates the department within the school. The third set of alpha characters designates the course within the department. The numerical characters designate the level of the course.

LA: School of Liberal Arts
AH: Department of Art History and Architecture
RA: Renaissance Art
300: Upper division course