Product Design

Program Outcomes

The specialization in Product Design is focused on developing:

  • Ability to creatively propose contemporary design solutions through design thinking process
  • Technical knowledge to design in 3D formats
  • Ability to design products from a brand perspective

Career Opportunities

Product Design: 2/3D designer, technical designer, materials researcher, product developer, product manager.


Additional General Education Requirements ( 9 credits )

MathematicsSMMAFM150 Finite Mathematics
Physical and Biological SciencesFWDNIN200 Introduction to Nutrition
Diversity and Intercultural StudiesCPMCCM190 Intercultural Communication
FIRST YEAR 18 credits
DIPHID185 Introduction to Digital Photography Experiential Learning
PSELHS300S Introduction to Health and Safety
DIVCCG150 Introduction to Computer Graphics
CPPULM330 Magazine Editing and Publishing I
IDIDCD280 3D Computer Design and Rendering
DIVCDF190 Visual Communication Design Fundamentals Studio I
DIVPCV205 Introduction to Creative Videomaking Experiential Learning
CPPULM430 Magazine Editing and Publishing II
FAFPFP140 Introduction to Film Photography
IDPDPD210 Introduction to Product Design
IDPDPF285 Introduction to 3D Printing and Fabrication
PSSPJN001 January EL Project I NC
SECOND YEAR 0 credits
IDPDPD320 Product Design Experiential Learning
DIVCMM340 Multimedia Studio I
IDPDDT300 Design Thinking
IDPDRD300 Prototyping and Research in Design
IDPDPF315 3D Printing and Fabrication
DIVCMM380 Multimedia Studio II Experiential Learning
BUMANP325 New Product Development and Management
IDPDPL300 Product Packaging and Labeling
BUMABM310 Brand Management
PSPDPO380 Portfolio Development
PSSPJN002 January EL Project II NC
Total credits 85 credits