Academic Honesty and Behavior Policy

During the first MyAUF portal login, students are required to sign an agreement regarding the AUF Academic Honesty and Rules of Behavior.

Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic conduct. Violations of the Academic Honesty Policy include: cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, or physical theft. All forms of Academic Dishonesty are at odds with our mission and the educational experience, and are amongst the gravest offenses a student can commit.

Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study materials in any academic assignment (homework, paper, quiz, presentation or examination).

Accidentally, knowingly, or intentionally representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic assignment (homework, research paper, presentation, quiz or examination).

Dishonesty Conduct
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Theft of a quiz or examination.
2. Submission of a paper purchased from a paper mill or written by another. This includes swapping papers in on-line forums with other students.
3. Alteration, theft, or forgery of university documentation.
4. Intentionally delaying submitting work or the delaying of an examination to gain an unfair advantage.

Procedures and Penalties for Violation of Academic Honesty
An instructor who has evidence of a violation of the Academic Honesty policy may avail themselves of the following options:
Discuss and assess the situation, in terms of gravity of the offense and motivation, with the student.
Issue an oral/written reprimand to the student.
Request that the student repeat the assignment or retake the quiz or examination. In such cases, the assignment or exam may be significantly different from the original.
Lower the grade of the assignment in question.
Assign the student a grade for the assignment in question.
Assign the student a grade for the entire course in the case of a serious or repeated offense.