AUF’s mission is to create a stimulating cultural environment that fosters both creative and intellectual growth. In order to provide such an environment, we have established rules of conduct consistent with this goal. When you enroll, you agree to abide by the established rules of conduct, both while on and off campus.
Each student is expected to act as a responsible member of the school and residential community while attending. Reckless or dangerous behavior within the school, residence or community is prohibited. Damage to or destruction of school, residence or fellow student property is against school policy. Violation of these policies may affect academic standing and may result in probation and/or expulsion.
Please note that some courses and departments have specific regulations regarding uniforms, equipment usage, and materials. Examples include courses related to culinary arts, photography, and fine arts. Please see the course syllabi and Student Manual for further details.
Students assigned to institutional housing are expected to adhere to the policy outlined in the housing contract signed upon arrival. Further details and sanctions for violations can be consulted in the housing policy.
The unlawful possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs or prescription medication by students is in violation of both school policy and Italian Law. Violators are subject to both disciplinary action by AUF and prosecution by Italian authorities. Possession or use of illegal drug will result in suspension or dismissal. Please Note: the drug Adderall, commonly used for treatment of ADD or ADHD, is not available in Italy and is, in fact, considered a narcotic. The sharing of Adderall, or similar drugs among students is considered a crime according to Italian Law and will be viewed as such by the school. Students who are prescribed this drug must inform AUF staff before departure for their records. Students must have a prescription for the medicine from their doctor. Plus, as well as a letter stating that the said party must take the medication on a daily basis for health purposes, for the duration of the program. It is advised to consult a doctor for possible alternative medication.
Drunkenness and intoxication are unacceptable, regardless of age. The abuse of alcohol by students, on or off campus, is a violation of school policy. Violation of this policy may lead to mandatory rehabilitation or counseling, and may affect academic standing or possibly result in expulsion.
Assault, defined as a physical attack or immediate threat of force against another person with intent to cause harm, is a violation of school policy and is deemed a serious offense and will result in immediate suspension or dismissal. Fighting, defined as two or more people engaged in physical attempts to harm each other, is a violation of school policy. A student will be found in violation of this policy if he or she uses any violence that exceeds the force necessary for self-protection. Violation of this policy may result in suspension or dismissal.
The use of threats of physical violence is prohibited. Violation of this policy may result in suspension or dismissal.
We seek to maintain a learning environment free from sexual harassment, including sexism in the classroom, unprofessional conduct in faculty-student relationships and inappropriate conduct between fellow students.
These kinds of behavior are barriers to the educational purposes of the school. Sexual harassment is a violation of school policy and is deemed a serious offense by the school. The determination of what constitutes sexual harassment varies with the particular circumstances; however, it may be described generally as unwanted sexual behavior, such as physical contact or verbal comments or suggestions that adversely affects the working or learning environment of an individual. Any student who believes that he or she has been sexually harassed is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the Dean of Students or a Student Advisor. There are specific procedures for the resolution of sexual harassment and inappropriate or unprofessional conduct, ranging from informal counseling and mediation to formal procedures for disciplinary action.
AUF reserves the right to administratively separate a student for health or psychological reasons whenever there is concern for the safety or well-being of the student or others.
Every student must know the policies and procedures. Accordingly, each student will receive a copy of these policies at the beginning of the academic term. AUF reserves the right to change or modify policies and procedures at any time. Should changes occur, students will be notified through either printed material or electronic communication. It is the student's responsibility to read these notifications.
Determination of Violation: In the case of a violation of the code of conduct, the following process will be followed.
1. After a report is filed, the student will be required to meet with the Dean of Students, the Academic Affairs Office or a designated delegate.
2. This meeting will provide an opportunity for the student and the designed delegate to discuss the charge of policy violation.
3. If the student does not admit to the charge, it is the responsibility of the designated delegate to decide whether the evidence demonstrates a violation of policy.
In the case of policy violation, the Dean of Students, the Academic Affairs Office, or a designated AUF officer will choose from following sanctions: written reprimand, restitution of damages, academic probation, suspension, or expulsion.
If a student behavior in the school, community, or housing is considered inappropriate, the student will be put in probation. Students placed on academic and /or behavioral probation will be required to complete service hours within AUF. The details concerning the amount of hours and activities will be communicated to the student following the initial probationary meeting.
A second violation will result in expulsion.
In the case of serious offenses, students may be expelled immediately, without a probationary period. In instances where a student demonstrates a threat to the physical or emotional safety of him or herself or others, the student may be immediately expelled without a probationary period or may be immediately separated pending the outcome of the adjudication process.
In the case of expulsion, the following measures will be taken. AUF reserves the right to contact the student's family to inform them of the violation, and the affiliate organization in the case of visiting students.
- Academic Record: The expulsion will be noted on the student's academic transcript. The transfer of credits is at discretion of the receiving institution.
- Campus Access: The expelled student will lose all rights and privileges associated with being a student, including access to campus classrooms, library and gym.
- Financial Obligations: The student remains responsible for any outstanding financial obligations to the university.
- Readmission: An expelled student is not eligible for readmission to the university.
A student has the right to appeal a sanction pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct. Generally, an appeal is only heard if there is significant new information that has been discovered which alters the facts of the matter and may alter the outcome. The severity of a sanction is not a legitimate ground for an appeal
The student's exercise of appeal must be made to the Dean of Students in writing and must be received within five (5) business days of the date of the sanction.
If the Chief Academic Officer decides that the appeal has merit, a panel of three impartial university personnel will be appointed to an Appeal Committee. Faculty members may serve as Appeal Committee members. The Committee may choose to let the sanction stand, void or alter it. The sanction severity may be increased or decreased. If the Dean of Students decides that the appeal does not have merit, the sanctions are immediately effective. During the appeal process, the Dean of Students will determine which, if any, sanctions will be imposed awaiting a final decision.
AUF is committed to fulfilling its mission and meeting its obligations as an institute of higher education. The institution recognizes that members of its community may encounter issues or occasionally be dissatisfied with the service they receive. AUF is therefore committed to maintaining an effective procedure to allow members of its community to voice grievances, and to investigating complaints and rectifying any errors. AUF encourages and endeavors to resolve grievances informally at the earliest opportunity before the formal procedure is required. Problems, complaints and/or grievances may involve other students, staff, faculty or university policies or procedures.
Academic Issues
Academic issues must be brought to the attention of the Academic Affairs Office for areas such as:
- Advising processes
- Course-related areas such as content and methodologies, delivery, grading, exams, attendance
- Faculty-related issues
Some issues may require an evaluation of the AUF Faculty Senate. In such cases, students are asked to file a formal petition. The Senate meets once a month and will evaluate the documentation, including a personal statement, submitted by the student to determine the petition outcome. The Faculty Senate has the authority to decide upon all academic matters.
Non-Academic Services
For any issues related to non-academic services such as the following listed below, students may contact the Student Life and Development department for addressing complaints and/or seeking assistance.
- Extracurricular offerings and staffing
- Student non-academic advising processes
- Housing and meal plans
Non-Academic Conduct & Behavioral Conflicts
Any contact with parties or offices directly involved (i.e. fellow student, staff member) must be conducted in a respectful manner. Any communication should describe clearly the nature of the issue, the names of any parties involved and a description of any efforts made to resolve the problem. If this does not resolve or clarify the situation, students may seek an appointment with a Student Advisor. In the event this does not resolve any dispute or provide a satisfactory understanding of the situation, students will be directed to the Dean of Students to request an appointment.
Billing, Transcript, Diplomas
For complaints related to billing, transcripts, or diplomas, students and alums in the latter case may contact the Office of the Registrar. For cases involving transcripts and diplomas, the Registrar will verify requests according to official student records and/or consult the academic units that were involved in grade or graduation statuses. Billing matters that require review or rectification will be reviewed with the AUF Finance Office.
Other Grievances
Please note that grievances related to the services or policies of a third party should be submitted directly to these persons/parties. For students seeking assistance with issues beyond the above-described categories or persons not enrolled in the institution, formal complaints may be submitted in writing to or The American University of Florence, Corso Tintori 21, 50122 Florence. Formal complaints will be referred to the relevant staff member.