Product Design


Additional General Education Requirements ( 12 credits )

Italian Language1 course from:
Italian LanguageItalian Studies and Linguistics - Italian Language
MathematicsSMMAFM150 Finite Mathematics
Physical and Biological SciencesFWDNIN200 Introduction to Nutrition
English CompositionFTFCWF310 Writing for the Fashion Industry
FIRST YEAR 37 credits
FTADSR210 Sketching and Rendering Accessories
PSELHS300S Introduction to Health and Safety
FTFCSF365 Fashion Retail Management Experiential Learning
FTFDFD230 Fashion Design Studio I
FTFDSC315 Sewing and Construction Techniques I
FTFCPF280 Faces, Facts, and Places in Italian Fashion
FTADAD255 Introduction to Accessory Design and Production: Shoes, Bags, and Belts Experiential Learning
FTFDPM260 Flat and Digital Patternmaking
FTFMVM325 Visual Merchandise and Display
BUMKFM280 Introduction to Fashion Marketing
FTFCFM300 Fashion, Media, and Culture
PSSPJN001 January EL Project I NC
SECOND YEAR 36 credits
FTFDSC380 Sewing and Construction Techniques II
FTFDFD375 Fashion Design Studio II Experiential Learning
FTFDKW200 Introduction to Knitwear Design
FTFDDR340 Draping
FTFDLD370 Line Development for Fashion
FTFDFC355 Fashion Collection Design and Production Experiential Learning
FTFDFS350 Fashion Styling
FTFDDK300 Digital Knitwear Design
PSPDPO380 Portfolio Development
FTFCCF390 Fashion Show Production, Coordination, and Promotion
PSSPJN002 January EL Project II NC
Total credits 130 credits