Wellness, Health, and Nutrition


Additional General Education Requirements ( 4 credits )

Italian Language1 course from:
Italian LanguageItalian Studies and Linguistics - Italian Language
Physical and Biological SciencesPSELHS300S Introduction to Health and Safety
FIRST YEAR 37 credits
HPFBSM331 Front of the House Management Experiential Learning
HPHTIH300 Introduction to Hospitality
HPHTIE200 Introduction to Event Management
BUMAHR350 Human Resource Management
HPSMSM300 Introduction to Spa Management
FWFSSA300S Food Safety and Sanitation
BURERE280 Principles of Real Estate Management
HPFBRM392 Restaurant Management Experiential Learning
HPHTHM350 Hospitality Marketing
HPHTTC360 The Client - Customer Relation Management
BUAFAC200 Principles of Accounting
PSSPJN001 January EL Project I NC
SECOND YEAR 37 credits
BUREPM335 Property Management Experiential Learning
HPFBCC532 Cost Control
HPFBCS470 Catering Sales and Operations
BUMAOB470 Organizational Behavior
HPHTIM450 International Management for the Hospitality Industry
HPHLHM435 Hotel Management Operations and Front Office Procedures Experiential Learning
HPFBOM400 Food and Beverage Operations and Management
HPHLHK420 Housekeeping Management
HPHLEM400 E-Marketing for the Hospitality Industry
HPHTIN320 International Tourism
PSELHS300S Introduction to Health and Safety
PSSPJN002 January EL Project II NC
Total credits 127 credits