International Education


  • Gain fluency in the theories and practices of higher education in an international context.

  • Develop an articulate and mission-focused approach to education leadership.

  • Apply advanced-level and specialized research perspectives to relevant topics and issues in the field of education.

  • Acquire cross-cultural skills for implementing learning and institutional strategies aimed to serve a diverse student body.

  • Gain the capacity to conduct appropriate curriculum design and practices for implementation in a global campus environment.

  • Identify future trends and transitions in international education in order to address evolving student needs.


Common Core ( 6 credits )
LAIERM560 Research Methodologies for International Educators
LAPYEL550 Ethics, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship
Concentration Courses ( 9 credits )
LAIEET610 Strategies for Effective Teaching in International Education Experiential Learning
LAIECI615 Comparative International Education and Student Diversity
LAIEIP600 Innovative Practices and Technology in International Education
Elective I ( 6 credits )
2 courses from:
LAIEAE630 Advanced English for International Educators
LAIESJ620 Social Justice in International Contexts
LAIEIL640 Teaching Methodologies for Italian Language Instruction
Elective II ( 6 credits )
2 courses from:
BUMAHR630 International Human Resource Management
DIDMDC610 Digital Communication Strategies
HPHTCL650 Customer Loyalty and Engagement
Capstone Project ( 3 credits )
Total credits ( 30 credits )